At the moment, our stores are still stocked with products, shelves laden with the essentials we need to keep us away from panic’s door. But what happens if our supply chains – local and international – falter?  Our supply chains are, afterall, the arteries feeding our economic survival…we need to keep them healthy and pumping.

It’s the question everyone is asking, and many are trying to solve. If only we could divine the silver bullet for an end to the pandemic, and the start of economic recovery.

A global recession is, by all expert accounts, imminent. Even the world’s most robust economies are facing negative growth rates, while developing countries find they lack the financial resources to accelerate recoveries.

With low growth as a result of the combined effects of pre-existing financial stressors, a junk credit status rating, and load-shedding, the South African Reserve Bank anticipates a 3-4% contraction in 2020.

So, what does our economic future look like in the face of COVID-19?

Join us for the second in the series of Absa Business Day Supplier Development Dialogues, hosted online at 09h30 on 26 May 2020. Leading experts in business, manufacturing, finance and ICT will explore SA’s economic future – and where are we going as an economy.

The discussion will cover:

  • High level economic forecast, with medium to longer-term economic impacts
  • Overall growth trends, fundamental changes and anticipated sectors to watch
  • How this may impact on supply chains
  • How to work together for greater benefit and impact

Key sectors such as Manufacturing, Finance, Agriculture and ICT will receive a special focus, with insights on how these sectors can adapt; how domestic markets can grow to support local manufacturing output; how to maintain resources and value chains within SA; platforms to bridge the divide between corporates, suppliers and entrepreneurs; and how Government can create an enabling environment to support and reignite growth.

The Absa Business Day Supplier Development Dialogue series has been curated specifically for suppliers, corporates, supplier development managers and practitioners, and SME’s

For more information or to register, contact Jade Fleishman on or visit